ISCA has four technologies to protect apple orchards: mating disruption, monitoring, attract-and-kill, and pollination. There are mating disruption products based on semiochemicals, such as SPLAT GRAFO, which acts on Grapholita molesta, known as the oriental fruit moth, and also SPLAT CIDA GRAFO BONA to combat Bonagota salubricola (roller caterpillar).
Another attract-and-kill product we offer is the ANAMED WB. It targets Anastrepha fraterculus, and Ceratitis capitata (a type of fruit fly).
APIS BLOOM has proven to be an effective attractant to increase pollination. Application of APIS BLOOM attracts congregations of Apis mellifera bees to the the product which is most likely placed on a plant. With bees coming together this way, the pollination in the orchard increases significantly.