


Attract-and-kill technology is an efficient solution for insect management in strawberry cultivation. ISCA presents four products for this management, ANAMED WB and ANAMED WBSP 0.1, which attract fruit flies of the species Anastrepha spp. and Ceratitis capitata.

The COLORTRAP line is ideal for monitoring strawberry orchards. It includes the YELLOW PANEL, which attracts aphids of the species Aphis gossypii and Chaetosiphon fragaefolli and whiteflies of the species Bemisia tabaci, and the BLUE PANEL, which attracts thrips of the species Frankliniella occidentalis. We also have NOCTOVI, which, when used as bait in a FUNNEL BALL TRAP, attracts and captures moths of the species Spodoptera frugiperda, Spodoptera eridania and Helicoverpa spp..

APIS BLOOM is an innovative solution which optimizes  the visitation, permanence, and distribution of Apis mellifera bees in the strawberry plantation. APIS BLOOM offers your crop an increase in foraging time of the bees and a more uniform pollination throughout the planted area, encouraging their visitation and permanence in the area the product was applied. Its use directly contributes to increased productivity and improved harvest quality.